About the old Wilderniss...
It will never be the real old wilderniss, because the graphics were really bad.
But i really really REALLY love that its coming back.
If it isnt coming back, then Jagex will lose the new generation of pkers that joined Runescape after the old generation quited. They will lose A LOT of money...
To all the people that acutally enjoy questing, clue scrolls and skilling, dont get sad over Old Wilderniss?
I dont understand what is the problem of these people.
Jagex will make these pointless thing still possible for them, while we pkers, can make fun!
Staking will never be the old staking.
I remember people with just a dds as their only weapon (no armour equipped) staking party hats.
These days we have Vesta Longswords, Chatoic rapiers and more of these overpowered weapons.
Still it would be waaaay better as this dull tournaments that nobody does or staking 10k.
Free Trade
Isnt it fun to play Runescape with your friends?
Help each other out, give each other some cash, buy them a present!
But again skillers are afraid that they skilled for nothing, because the Rich people are going to give their friends stuff...
Skillers are trying to ruin this game.
I'm really looking forward to a wilderniss without one itemers, where you get Dragon Claws if you k0 them and where noobs aren't safe.
But the thing im really looking forward to is : '' NO MORE COCKY TARGETS'' that only want dds dms or kick dms because they are to bad to pk with armour.
'' If yuuu dont listeeee tooo meeeh immm goooing to mageee bankkk''
Then you follow ur target and boom!!! Tbed and downed by an Ahrim's clan while ur targ 1 items and laughs at you...
Same sad situation in multi.
Some people in this game are to bad to pk alone, like Jaja Legacy idiots, so they stick together.
Then if you get them as Target they cry and say they want a dds DM or they stay multiiiiii
10-Jan-2011 15:58:08