Honestly, Ive been playing this game since i was 12 years old and played it all the time up until the removal of free trade, that was the straw that broke the camels back. bring back free trade will not cause more scamming as long as the keep the ge average price at the bottom of the trade screen and if they include a caption that does the value of the items for you to see what kind of deal you are getting then it would work out great. plus they have the technology to stop botters now. I used to enjoy giving my friends presents on birthdays and holidays and when the trade limit came out I couldnt do that anymore.
I honestly think that it's our own actions for what the future of runescape is. If we handle the present as good as the past then their will be no future. But if we stop scamming and luring to pvp noobs, and of course real world trading, then there will be a future, a better future for you and me, for the community!! So make a wise choice and don't mess up, other wise we will have nothing in the end. :I
ok, i guess this will not be read but here goes. i have 11 99s and 2 90s with over 500m, go check. im not braging i am just stating a fact and tbh my account was not made over night. in fact it was years of hard work, i have been playing 5 years consistently and have experienced the changed throughout runescape.
the fact of this hole debate is, jagex needs to consider the values of it's longest playing players over the short time players who have came after the update.
when free trade and wildy was removed the game changed, and i can grantee runescape lost over half it's main players, and i can also grantee some may return if the fun was put back into the game. runescape lost it's character, it became a game about being independent and thb this is not as much fun.
yes there are some playes including my slef who have been scammed or lured in the past but thats all part of the fun, hence the word " game " the long term player are being punished on the front that bots and scamers just succeeded, there main role all along was to ruin the game, and by removed the fun they have.
i still play runescape now, and when this vote first came up it made me incredibly happy, i am pleading as a respected member of the runescape community please please bring back the game we use to spend our lives on, please. the botter and scammers will always be here wildy and trade or not, but it's up to the hole community to put a stop to that, i also believe new player should have some guidance in the way of free trade and wildy
but overall please retun it, please
thanks for your time. your number one fan
i have been playing since 05 and 06 and i really feel like the game is really different now. even after they changed it a really big amount of players left. i wont say the game is bored because i play it and love it, but its different, the game is not the same without the wild and free trade.
i noticed that the majority of players want it back but this is for the ones that not:
you have to stop complaining about everything that is in the wildernes(green dragos, minigames, quest...), almost everything will be relocated, as for the things that not, they will remain because they were original there before the change of the wild.
the economy, the money i heard it all... but you know what? the game was way more popular in those days... and i guess that was for a reason... "the botters will come back bla bla bla.." do they have left?, i have never gone to mining guild, to cut yews.... anywhere.... without seeing an army of guys running at the same time...
and for scamers and rwts... a scameer is not like a hacker, they do it to you if your are not smart enough to watch your trade windows...
well thats all... you just have to give the wildy a try.. we are geting close tot he 1m of votes the told we need sooo lets get ready to have some pk fun
02-Jan-2011 01:50:53
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02-Jan-2011 01:54:10
I have played this game a very long time and very much so remember the old runescape and how there where problems with the wildy and the trading system....but for the players that weren't around when the big update took those two things away should be educated in some way on the topic. And when a new player enters the game part of the tutorial should advise the new player about the wildy and trading. Also when two players atempt to trade a item the item's G.E. price should be showed on the bottem so players can tell if they are being given a good deal or not.