You obviously didn't play before trade limits then. D chains were very rare to see on people when they were even as low as 19 million. Far rarer than seeing someone in Bandos now. It's not like "everyone" had one and wore it, mate. Very few people had enough for one, let alone had one. Those who had one were considered rich and paying the amount of money that they did for one was not a problem for them. They had the best stat body in game for melee, it looked good and it was very rare, as far as they were concerned, 19 mill was a good price for it even if barely anyone else could afford it. People were poorer before trade limits, 10 million then is perhaps 100 million now. Hence why only a very few select people wore and had d chain back then yet a ton of people have Bandos now.
Before trade limits, you earned your money from pking, barrows, clues, true merching or skilling. Now you can earn mass money from drops, gwd, pking, barrows, clues, fake kid merching and so much more than you could before trade limits.
08-Jan-2011 19:04:16
- Last edited on
08-Jan-2011 19:06:54