I have said this before, and I shall say it again. When comparing Runescape to other MMORPGs like WoW, I notice one thing that makes the one better and the other worse: security. No I don't mean Account stealing, or pass scamming, that will exist no matter what you do. I mean detection. For as long as I can remember, Jagex has hidden their methods on how they catch botters; however, for as long as I can remember it would take them a few weeks to actually bann the player/players from the game as a result. My friend used a third party program to give him an advantage over people in game, and WoW banned him in 1-3.........minutes. So, what is different? SECURITY. If Jagex needs to focus on anything this new year, it is beefing up their detection methods to catch cheaters, not providing us with a crap load of new content. If I may say so, there is a lot of content on Runescape that a ton of people haven't even tapped into yet. I say take a break on content and establish hard core security measures. Think about it, WoW has free trade, have they ever gotten rid of it? No, because they know how to get rid of people who don't deserve to play. As far as being scammed goes. Think before you act. The majority of the time, people spam click "accept trade" because they are so excited about that new dragon scimmy they just got, but wait, they just figured out it is an iron scimmy instead! Oh no! SCAMMED. Think. Take the time to look at what you are doing, where you are going and who you are with. Don't be afraid to report. If you think that reporting someone makes u a noob, then you are the noob my friend, for reporting makes the game that much better to play.
08-Jan-2011 19:17:43