Abyss crafters are easy to kill. And they carry glory amulets. Free 100k, thats why people kill them. No I do not support Rc pking in any way shape or form, im 79 runecraft and got there using solely the abyss so I hate it. But instead of complaining about it and saying oh its going to ruin the game do what I did instead. I ran, went to the bank, and got gear. I then came back and killed those pkers. I got several sets of ahrims and whips doing that. Anyway, all you skillers saying bots are going to ruin this game and so is wilderness. Were you even around for the wilderness? I mean seriously it really didnt harm the game in any way shape or form. It got annoying at certain areas sure, but it kept items at a manageable price for one, no merching clans manipulating the market to where you cant get crap. It was the much better days of runescape. *** many quit after the restricted trade update simply because many people are addicted to runescape. An update like that isnt going to break an addiction. Many people quit for a month but ended up coming back. This is a huge positive for the game of runescape and if it comes back I know many people who will start playing again. So while some may quit, I know this is going to be an ultimately profitable update for Jagex, and make many players of the game happy once again.
13-Jan-2011 20:51:06