niki again thank you for calmy explainging to our uhh "friend" about his lack of knowledge i almost fliped... how many times you think we/you have said that same post
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly to where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
@Scape Xp,
You realize that it's HARDER for the person who is fighting the other person that's using ancient prayers and/or PvP armor and/or Dragon Claws and/or God thingymajigs.
~ A lonely penny, heads up, looked at the sky.
~ "Ooh! A penny! My lucky day!"
~ A lucky penny, sitting comfortably in a warm pocket.
~ A kiss. From penny to person, and from person to penny.
31-Dec-2010 03:50:02
- Last edited on
31-Dec-2010 03:50:54
Lucky Penny
Well we all pretty much know it's coming back so really no point to debate anymore. Well Im good for today, probably by tomorrow this will be on page 1000, so goodnight guys
The abyss was the best way of RuneCrafting at the time because it was the most dangerous way of RuneCrafting (because it was in the wilderness).
The abyss has been there for a long time, don't move it. I just want Andrew Gower controlling the game for the most part again, at least there wasn't a threat of ruining something that was in the game for a long time when he was in control.
yeah none of these people seem to remember how people managed to do it pre-2007. Everyone managed to get by without complaining, now people are spoiled and worried about their clue scrolls and green dragons... IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE DANGEROUS!
Don't even get me started on green drags. I went there desperate for money the last few weeks and EVERY WORLD there is a level 60 range pure with a cannon.