Huh, well I'll be honest, when you guys removed the first wilderness/free trade shinnanigan I thought you made a big mistake on that part, majority of my pals who played the game up and left (me being one of the select few who remained behind) but looking at it now, I would say it would once again be a bad move doing this. Just hear me out on this:
I'm saying it was a bad move on both ends because I believe you guys are simply switching it at inappropriate times, you snatched the wilderness/free trade from us (when its all the people playing the game had ever known), and once majority of us have settled down on our whining and just accepted it, you're now offering to bring it back.
What Im getting at is, if you disturb the content 'scapers have gotten so used to abbruptly as this like before, you may loose more quality players again
If you're askin' me, this update will cause a sizeable number of your better players to up and leave, while attracting botters and RWT'ers back to this whole shpeal.
hate to break it to ya, but I think it'd be tricky to snag a third golden joystick award with that player quality
Also, I've noticed (based on what Ive read) that those who don't agree with this are giving very good arguments, while it seems those agreeing with it are simply praising it. Needless to say, perhaps you should be looking at the quality of some of these arguments instead
Ciao, -wiz-
02-Jan-2011 00:19:57
- Last edited on
02-Jan-2011 19:32:15