I'm very glad to see Jagex make this change. I pretty much quit playing after they went to a managed economy (well, a very poorly managed one) and restricted trade among players. Restricting what I can give to and receive from my friends and family took the joy out of the game for us.
I do not like PKing, but I understand that a lot of people do. I only go in the wildy for treasure trails, and I don't like it. I must say, though, that I would rather deal with players than with revenants. Real PKers will leave people doing their clues alone. Revenants can hit you before you see them on the mini-map, not so for PKers, so at least I have a chance.
So, changing the wildy is ok with me, it's not a big deal and, even if I hated PKers, I would vote yes b/c free trade is a very big deal. I would really prefer that Jagex find some way to make treasure trails hard besides sending us to the wildy. They are very creative people and I wish they'd think hard about this.
It is rare to see a company admit its mistakes and change. (I have yet to see Jagex admit that this was all a huge mistake, but they have capitulated.) So, I appreciate that.
Yes, there will be bots, but the Jagex Nanny State didn't get rid of bots. All in all, my family and I are very happy with the proposed change.
01-Jan-2011 23:59:59