wildy yes everything is better than the current bounty and pvp worlds every time you have a nice kill with nice ep always ep down and unfair loots the player you killed at leats is risking 500k not even 100k loot and free trade would be nice but please keep the market price it's great the know how much something really is worth
hahahaha yesssss its gonna come back!
no offence to haters (nvm, full offence since your haters =D), but 90% to 7%?
dont even try. that means nine tenths of the players want it back. So good luck. not. VOTE YES! PKING FTW!!!!!!!!!!
they cant bring back just one... if they brought back only the old wild then people would transfer money by just letting their friends/other accounts killing them when they have the items they want transfered on them.
exactly my friend exactly, plus why do people not under stand that if you don't wanna loose an item don't go into wildy with it?