PLEASE JAGeX, don't ***** this up.
If you make the big mistake that you usually do, trying to give a hand to every single noob there is, the "old" wildy will be ruined.
I love the WILD!
Exacly because there are noobs to be pked, and because you can be pked when you are doing clues.
Seriously, most of the people enjoy the thrills of seing a white dot on the map, and clicking log out 4823947829 times.
PLEASE, hear me out here:
NO wildy-free worlds.
NO helping the noobs with free 1m if they die.
NO E.P. in the wild.
NO taking all the clues off the wilderness.
PLEASE, realise that this is your one shot!
Do not bow to some skillers who have the whole freaking world to skill, and come giving their thoughts on territory they very rarely enter.
If "Imlvl3zors321" is scared of the wild, well, thats just the point. He has from the desert to the elven lands to criticize and ask for monsters that don't kill him.
PLEASE, its our beloved wilderness, and I'm not really sure you know how much this means to us. Maybe you get the idea that it is a lot, but when we say wilderness was the game to us, well, it really was!
From the bottom of my heart, really,
I Love Old Wild,
08-Jan-2011 18:54:33