@So Laid
Don't worry, you're not alone in the mass of money that you've lost. However, I'd gladly give 2x what I've lost in order to see the end of these "mercher" ccs controlling our market and the end of this ridiculously overpriced economy. Free trade will end that, so I'm fine with the crashes. The crashes on Bandos can also be attributed to the coming God Wars Dungeon update which will feature a boss that drops HP boosting armour and has the best defence stats in the game. No doubt that armour will cost a total fortune but still, it's not helping the prices of other armours.
Either way, I don't think Jagex are lying on this. They wouldn't do something like this unless they were totally serious because this is perhaps the most controversial and sensitive topic to deal with in terms of the RS community. They'd certainly not play around with a topic of this status and seriousness because that would definitely have a very detrimental effect. So I'm positive that Jagex are indeed serious and are not trying to trick us. On top of that, they wouldn't go to as much trouble as they have if this was a trick. Jagex may hold April Fool pranks but there's not a chance on this planet that they'd abuse the trust of their players. They're a professional company, not some 2nd rate developpers.
08-Jan-2011 18:45:59