My brother mined a ton of copper and tin. Together we smelted 120k bronze knives which he gave to me and I used to get 99 range at fire giants before the trade limits existed. I have got him a present to say thanks for helping me get 99 range and providing the ammo freely, so he's getting it handed to him when free trade comes in again. My money will be coming from skilling, clues, steel dragons and barrows when/if free trade hits. =P Then I'll help some lower levels and some friends. But you'd rarely see any of such things happening in RS now. You get some newer player asking for directions to a bank and the new school kids call them a noob. How's that for setting an example to a player who just joined RS? They'd instantly think that RS players are all unfriendly and full of themselves.
Then again, meeting an old school player who'd show them the way and give them some things to start them off, they'd think about the community as helpful and friendly. The free trade did and will bring the community closer together and definitely allow far more possibilities for the community as a whole. People could hold races and actually give the winner a prize that would stretch over the current limits. You could provide a brother who was pked with some new items to help him get back on his feet again. You could help the newer members by giving them some items to start them off and so much more. You could protect lower levelled friends in the wilderness if they need to go there for a clue or something. I've already agreed to protect a miner who will be mining rune from the clan that I'm in, in the old wildy. Therefore, I welcome both free trade and old wildy.
31-Dec-2010 19:59:51
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31-Dec-2010 20:02:27