
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 713 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This voting system is a joke.
I mean, I don't appeal the whole idea - giving players a chance to shape the future of runescape etc. but it seems that you can vote for any account as a pass isn't needed to cast a vote.
How is this fair? I just found out that somebody typed in my name and voted on my behalf to bring back the wilderness and free trade when I am against the whole thing (I am hoping this is not true) - I like runescape just the way it is.
If this is true and if anyone can enter anyone else's names into the system it just defeats the whole point of a vote...the obvious outcome would almost certinaly be the return of the wilderness and free trade, so why not just update it without this whole voting thing?
The point I'm trying to get at is yes - I don't want the wildy back, although if it does return I would welcome it however other people using my name to get what they want when they know my opinion just isn't fair.
Aaah I'm just really angry right now :(

21-Dec-2010 21:40:59



Posts: 144 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi, I just wanted to say that I like everything the way it is right now. Since free trade and the wildy were cancelled, I saw a lot of bots disapear one by one. It's great to train a skill in peace without those bots or even make friends while skilling. You can't make friends with bots, although you can try it, but the only anwser that you will get is "hello" or ".". If that's what you are looking for as a friend...
What is positif for cancelling the free trade?
Everyone earns his money in a fair way now. You can't buy it from sites or getting 10 miljoen coins from your friends. People who complained about the fact that they couldn't give any coins to their friends, should be happy right now because they got a part of what they wanted back with the trade limit. 60k is fair enough as a present right? Trade limit is awsome and fair so don't deny and don't complain about it.
What is positif for cancelling the wildy?
Safer treasure trialling in the wildy, more skilling in the wildy, more fun because of the many minigames who were introduced. Like Fist of Guthix, thank you for that minigame I made lots of friends because of FoG. Like stealing creation, its a fun minigame which helped me alot with training my skills cheaply. Like the wildernis volcano, where the greater demons and hellhounds are almost never crowded. New options at clan wars, a fun way to celibrate after a 99 skill or as an event. I think you also fixed the wildy problem by introducing pvp and bh hunter. It wasn't quite the same as the wildy but it stopped rwt alot! If the wildy comes back, it would be impossible to hunt for penguins in w60 with all those people lurking at you.
Don't bring back free trade and the wildy and keep up the good work with updating new quests and minigames. So don't waist your time with this.

21-Dec-2010 21:41:12 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2010 21:48:49 by Jeunslo



Posts: 229 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For people who appeal,
for all to get their wheels,
to go to wild-er-ness...
in perfect happy bliss
shall get what they deserve...
and not a clam orderve...
just a smack on the rear,
and a kill to make them tear...
runescape what
has happened now?
dont tell me we're stuck!
i dont want, the pk'ers
to go and run amuck.
they'll ruin our quests,
or wildy trips,
i hope now that you see,
that some players dont like this vote
espe-ci-ally- me
add on to this song, and copy and paste to support the boycott and keep runescape alive ;)
^^ this song, is pwnage, and the other, is jealous

21-Dec-2010 21:41:13

Jun Member 2010


Posts: 42 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am a relatively new player (6 months) but fairly dedicated. As a new player, I didn't experience either the free trade or the old wildy. I will have some discussions with longer term players on the implications of both of these before I decide how to vote.
However, I resent any vote that doesn't have both sides represented. I can see that there are lots of yes votes. How many people are voting no? I think those votes should be counted as well.
I have seen many comments in the last 30 min about the election being "rigged" due to the lack of an ability to vote no and to see these votes. I'm afraid a lot of those who would vote no will express their vote through a withdrawal of membership.
Rewrite the ballot Jagex so it is truly representational instead of just showing the supporters.

21-Dec-2010 21:42:04

The contents of this message have been hidden.

21-Dec-2010 21:42:04

Sammy Dude10

Sammy Dude10

Posts: 1,148 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex has spent so much time talking of how they want to stop botters and fix the rs economy via this and that, although I didn't agree with everything they did, this still strikes me as a letter of resignation or a "We give up, do what you want" sort of thing. I understand this will be a good thing in some areas (I for one will enjoy nat and law running since I could not like I had always hoped to when my rc was high enough) but at the same time: what were all those talks of how bots would only get worse and worse and that Jagex did the things they did in order to try and fix the big problem before it got bigger? Were those speeches false? are they going to be false?

21-Dec-2010 21:42:25

Sigh clops
Nov Member 2023

Sigh clops

Posts: 4,117 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please vote for wilderness,
at this web address (http://ww.runescape.c om/wilderness)
if you vo-o-ote
you will be the best,
Wildy was bare good,
just like nan's christmas pudd
and so was free trade
better than the shades (???)

im running out of time,
i can't be bothered to rhyme
just vote for it you noob
or you'll be a...nooob (???)
Copy and paste for wildy!

21-Dec-2010 21:42:54

Bruce Willis
Jun Member 2023

Bruce Willis

Posts: 5,968 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
with a new updated year.
what failure was brought,
from Jagex & friends.
the wildy is gone now,
and the trade limit too!
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
with a new updated year!
the pink and blue skirted players, who hated jafex,
against the black skirted people who support jamflex.
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
and a seemingly crappy new year.
The lag fest's wrath
was now on it's way.
with trains full of macros
to celebrate the update!
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
we wish you a merry x-mas event,
That could be baaaaaccckkkkk.... THIS YEEEEEEEEAAARRRRRRR.

Decision 2010,
copy n' paste.
¸¤·.¸.·¤´˜¨Live and let Die¨˜´¤·.¸.·¤¸

"Something, something, inspirational quote." -Me, just now.

21-Dec-2010 21:43:00

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