and btw people your looking at a runescape classic player here my last account was moved onto rs2 before the update was permenant.i liked it on rs2 and stayed with it cuz it was a good part of the game.hated when it got banned cuz it had some good stuff on it and they were extremely exspensive if i still had it today.
oh yea.. i think players started botting cuz they didnt get 100% loot that they deserved.. so they cant make money pking and thats epic fail made by jagex. otherwise i hope we will geet wilderness back.
Cheers. G0ld scimmy
yeah but if we did the worlds like that they could possibly remove stuff that would make people money such as green dragons or the chaos elemental and stuff like that.they would be able to do it that way and that way nobody would complain like they would whenever someone doesnt like something that just came in or whatever.
@maniac devil
30-Dec-2010 23:59:49
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31-Dec-2010 00:02:06
Wars Wisdom
i would like both to come back or take EP off bountyhunter +1 worlds and pvp worlds or atleast make world 60 a non wildy world cause of penguins cause if it was a wildy world that clan chat and fourms would probley drop alot of people. But if they didnt do that fo wildy i would also like seprate votes for free trade and wildy
my vote: yes for free trade ------ yes for wildy if they would make world 60 a non wildy world.
What the hell,
people are sirieusly voting 'no'?
Removing the old wildie was the biggest mistake ever.
Jagex lost tons of players, and when they try to fix it people who probably can't pk or understand the fun out of it vote 'no'? vote 'yes' for christ sake. And what about the gold botters or RLT who cares? Leave those people who are sad, we better make fun! Do not care about people who get banned anyways.
If you ask me i'd vote 'Yes' without a doubt!!
Hope they reverse the biggest mistake in the histroy of RS XD
(Btw, if we miss this chance to change the wilderniss im going to quit and I won't be coming back like I used to be this time I'll quit forever
31-Dec-2010 00:04:58
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31-Dec-2010 00:12:47