For everyone complaining about Free trade, and the possibility of it coming back, gtfo. You probably started playing in 07.
The feedback you should pay attention to are the votes, a few people got scammed back in the day, yeah, tough luck. You learned from it right?
Hell, I got scammed countless times,
"selling charcoal 500k, it's worth 900k-1m"
"oh yeah? sweet, I'll resell it"
"dude, you got scammed *runs off*"
"never again -.-..."
Look, we voted, and it's obvious what would make a majority of the community happy.
I didn't want Obama in office, yet he got voted in, I'm still alive, and nothign has changed for me.
If Jagex is going to try a democratic approach, they should stick to it.
07-Jan-2011 03:20:16