normally i'd never tell anyone that they shouldn't be playing any game. but this is a skill based mmo, so that was indeed the stupidest comment i've ever seen lol.
Agent B MiB
im not wasting my time, i talked to yemie so i dont need to talk to you thanks, but have fun in area 51, and dont say we didnt warn you whn youg et probed, druged, and teleported back home my rogue mutated elfs...
I want my vote to change, it voted for me and I wanted to vote no. Free trade will just allow more bots to take over and it seems like there are already so many and they don't do anything about them.
again, you've been playing for years with the current system. why whine and cry about it and act like your gonna quit now? it makes no since. you guys obviously don't hate it that much or you'd have quit "years" ago lol
Well most of players doesn't play for skilling as you can see... And WOW is not a "pvp" game either... There is less skillers than pkers. Every1 trains skills because they need them at quests or something like that..
12-Jan-2011 21:44:53
you guys coming, or just going to be brats some more.
I am f2p atm but, this is how ridiculous you sound to us. We are just trying to make a point
then name a world or shut up.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes