I would love for the old wildy and free trade to come back i miss those old days,you could help a friend out by giving them somthing that they need.Even if they bring old wildy back it doesnt stop clue scrolls, everyone did them in the past without a problem...
But then again people always have to find the negatives of things and there are negative things like you will get sick of it and annoyed but, *till there are pkers that just make accounts because pking is the way they make money and the way things are now just dont really help them out, you spend hours in wild to get ep up which is a waste of time...in the past u just go in kill someone your level and you get what they are wearing if they are skulled.
Bringing free trade will also mess up merchanters they dont want that to happen because that is the only way they make money and it will become diffucult for them to do it when there will only be normal price in g.e. that is what i heard from one of the forums
Thanks for reading,
R0m4n Z3rk3r
30-Dec-2010 23:48:42