Welcome back Wilderness and Free-trade us old pkers and new pkers deserve to see the wilderness as it was, and the trade limits back!
Wilderness and Freetrade Limit for those who disagree on having them back are highly disrespectful to the players that want it back, because us players that want it back, has experienced playing in the old days, and you new players, complain about it coming back when YOU HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED IT BEFORE, and for those who think there going to get scammed? PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE TRADE SCREEN, and for those who are scared if their going to get Lured/Backstab then think twice about DOING IT!!!! WELCOME BACK WILDERNESS AND FREETRADE, I SPEAK FOR THOSE PKERS WHO WANT IT BACK!! WELCOME BACK GOOD OLD RS!!!
30-Dec-2010 21:30:10