Let's be serious. This game was intended to make money for someone. The percentage of players that quit are the ones who did not like the idea of limited trade and especially the removal of old wildy.
There is a good side and a bad side of everything. With free trade players are more likely to play. Bad side, real world trading and botting is a pain in the butt. When you remove the two previously stated (Free Trade and Wilderness) You get a whole lot less scams and a lot less money made per year. Congratulations?... Then came the REAL time scam artist. Merchant clans, they took advantage of the fact you couldn't successfully merchant quick (Leaving players to make 50k an hour or less depending on trade limit) they made it so getting scammed was a piece of cake. "Just buy an item and I'll dump it before you all and I have the most of it" "You lose money" (Trolled.)
Point is, bring back free trade and wilderness, you'll make more money Jagex and 94% of your customers will be VERY satisfied.
30-Dec-2010 21:17:48