
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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A True Pr0

A True Pr0

Posts: 467 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Citadel 23
lmao bgs is 13m.... the economy now sucks**** is 6mil lmfao 6 mil!!! zgs is 15mil 15m!!!! 2 weeks ago it was 30!!!! get your facts striahgt...

Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*

30-Dec-2010 19:46:00



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i for one want this back me and my cousin always pked together and always helped each other when we needed cash to pk yes scammers will try to come back but remember when they had the accept and if it was traded it would flash red that takes alot of the scammers away as for the wildy being to dangerous big deal there is a wall that keeps u from walking out there and the warning signs if you go pking you accept the fact you can die and lose your items free trading is good to i cant wait for that to be back i like that the prices will be kept between min and max so you cant get away with over pricing someone in my opinion i cant wait to get back to pking!!! everyone vote!!

30-Dec-2010 19:47:03



Posts: 2,192 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There are easy ways to make both sides happy with this. For the widlerness, there could be old wildy worlds or areas. They could even make a new wilderness where the combat goes. For trade, there could be a recommended price at the bottom of the trade window, but people can still have free trade.
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
Motto 2 - As long as its possible not to do it, you don't have to do it.

30-Dec-2010 19:52:11



Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly... Ive been playing since what... 2003? uh well... Runescape just seemed to go downhill once free trade and the wilderness was removed, everytime i was bored i couldnt just go pwn some noobs, instead i'd have to go to a pvp world and kill someone in full bandos only to get 1M worth of random items in return. Im very happy at this... and am happy that they are actually considering this because theres almost nobody Ive met thats played before 2007 that doesnt want the wildy back, besides all the people on these forums who are too scared of them getting pked or lured, well theres a little something called Thinking... Yea... if someone your buying something from tells you to go to edgeville and they are over the wildy line... Dont go over maybe? Think it'll be great and one things for sure it's gona be a lot harder to get bored when they make this change =) thumbs up.
As far as free trade... Uh... I love the idea... but I think the GE should still have min max and avg price for the sake of if i get an item i wanna know what i can sell it for rather than putting it at a random price that could not sell, and scam tradeing is prettymuch impossible unless your a moron. Only thing im not looking forward to is the Botters, but hey thats what the report abuse buttons for.

30-Dec-2010 19:53:48

Wasp Beater

Wasp Beater

Posts: 456 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It's about time it returned. To be honest most of the people like myself that were around for the old wilderness have quit the game. The target demographic age has changed, I'm a college student now and have witnessed so many updates it's sad.
One thing I've learned from playing this game is that hard work pays off and is rewarding. Another is that you have to trust your followers jagex, for those that actually care about the game will protect it and combat rwt, botters, and gold farmers. After all, who do you think made Mage pures to combat green dragon farmers. Mages haven't had updates in a while haha.
Look out for yourself and grow up, don't whine about scamming and become self reliant. A lot of the no votes are from people who would never go into the wild anyway, try visiting bh worlds and ask the people there.
I think it's about time us older players got what we've always wanted, the wilderness, staking, and free trade back.
Make us your target audience and we will gladly pay our cash, without having to beg parents like the newer players do.

30-Dec-2010 19:55:22



Posts: 149 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a question because I didn't completely understand, will we be able to retrieve items such as fire capes, ***hter torsos, rune defenders, void and other non-tradeable items when we die in the wilderness once again? Or will that option be removed.
I'm all for this update just hoping this will also be reinstated. :)

30-Dec-2010 19:55:43 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2010 19:56:39 by [#BH3MF80GK]

drugs fun

drugs fun

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
having free trade and wild and no limit on staking make the game more fun because it adds risk without risk its not fun. when there risk to the game it bring more life to the game. and what the point of pvp now you just risk your items for a crudy drop.

30-Dec-2010 19:57:17

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