It's about time it returned. To be honest most of the people like myself that were around for the old wilderness have quit the game. The target demographic age has changed, I'm a college student now and have witnessed so many updates it's sad.
One thing I've learned from playing this game is that hard work pays off and is rewarding. Another is that you have to trust your followers jagex, for those that actually care about the game will protect it and combat rwt, botters, and gold farmers. After all, who do you think made Mage pures to combat green dragon farmers. Mages haven't had updates in a while haha.
Look out for yourself and grow up, don't whine about scamming and become self reliant. A lot of the no votes are from people who would never go into the wild anyway, try visiting bh worlds and ask the people there.
I think it's about time us older players got what we've always wanted, the wilderness, staking, and free trade back.
Make us your target audience and we will gladly pay our cash, without having to beg parents like the newer players do.
30-Dec-2010 19:55:22