My 2 cents:
For everyone saying that the wilderness will too hard for people doing Treasure Trails in the wilderness: So what?
I remember having to do clues in the wilderness, and I remember being killed. I remember getting 4 *it KO'd while doing green dragons by a dds. But the thing is. I ENJOYED it, because there was RISK and DANGER back then, and if you didn't come prepared, you were prepared to die. Now, when doing green dragons, all it takes is running west about 15 squares to get out of dying. I also remember killing people in the wilderness, EPIC 2v2's and 1v1's. I remember pking my first set of full rune, when it was worth something, which leads me to my next point
Free trade:
The GE was my favorite update when it came out, however, now with Merchanting Clans out, the prices are so inflated/deflated, its near impossible to tell what is going on, ever. I remember browsing the forums to find people who will buy my orange boater, hours and hours went into that, and with that came many many connections for trade. It won't bring back scamming, just put the red !'s for warning and we will be all set.
Although there may be a little bias, I enjoyed the "good old days" and tbh the only reason I kept playing was for my friends.
30-Dec-2010 20:00:37