Johney - as right as you may think you are, you have not grasped all the consequences. I started playing in 04 (my stats are low because i was 12 and I took breaks occasionally). Have you considered prayer? I remember farming drags before 08, and i lost money because of green drag pkers. I didn't mind pking at all, and i did do it a fair bit on pures and things like that, but dragon bones were out of the question back then.
Lets think. Before gilded altar X update, d bones were 1.1k
Currently they are 5k.
If there is not still pvp worlds, I suspect them to rise to at least 7k at most 10k per bone.
Do you remember luring? If not, youtube Jojo3000. The wilderness was easier to scam in than the banks for most scammers.
KBD will be re-deserted as well.
D2hs will once again be impossible to buy because chaos elememtal farming will once again be near impossible.
Don't act like old RS wildy was perfect. Sure, its better than BH worlds and PVP worlds stupid EP and DP.
My only guess is you are planning to RWT or lure, because if you weren't you wouldn't bash on people's opinions like you do.
06-Jan-2011 23:21:15