12-Jan-2011 21:03:21
i'm not lvl 138 or anywhere close. and i despise everything about merchants
ok, then explain how you can afford to buy your levels?
there are only three ways you can afford to do that. pvp, which you have denied doing, merchanting, which you have denied doing, and buying gps which is against the rules.
so how did you do it?
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
In my opinion I would like free trade reinstated or if not that then at least ease up the trade limit.
and as far as the wild back I would like it back however I would also like some anti-wild worlds where the wild is how it is now
lmao bc ppl wont **y them. if u do thats ur problem. yeah get ripped of bc thats so smart. use ur head. u said ppl were greedy, well why would they buy when they can go get it themselfs or from a friend on a great deal, if there really that greedy.
12-Jan-2011 21:18:16
Agent B MiB
your math is still incredibly wrong with everything else... im still stunned about the post you made todo with the % of votes...
those numbers were guestimation based on things ive heard from jmods.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes
I doubt 1,051,558 players are mostly scammers or botters
Free trade and the wilderness kind of go together. If there is wilderness and free trade people could just die to their friends to transfer things. If there is free trade why should pkers be stuck with an extremely poor pking system?
12-Jan-2011 21:21:42
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12-Jan-2011 21:23:02
first of all fishing and cooking is my highest lvls at 91 and 93, i never said i bought 99's i said lvls. and believe it or not you can make a ton of money by playing the game. u know? u remember that? like killing dragons and getting drops and clues to do which u also make money off of? like fighting cave horrors all day to get black masks and tons of herbs and seeds? oh right most of you guys for this have a bunch of bot accounts, which i'm fine with btw. but free world trade enables you to trade it all to your main. i get it, i understand why a game thats majority bots anyway wants free trade it makes since to me. it just sucks for the rest of us.
sirz i can tell you i have never scammed botted or anything like that. i have had this account for 8 years and i have never gotten 1 single black mark....
what your stateing is false, i know atleast 4 of my freind who are much like me and want the wildy the way it was in old rs. going into the wildy is a risk and if you choose to go into it unprepared then you will suffer the consequences.
dont you think in real life there are many people who merchant like they do in rs. its the same, its not scamming if someone sells you something for less then its worth. its their fault for not knowing the price and not researching what it is worth..... and if you get scammed now a days you really arent very smart.... theres been a million updates that warn players, such as the wilderness wall, the ! when a trade is changed and many other things.
Agent B MiB
how is he gona loose his crown? wht rule did he break?
and yes your "guestimations"! i love it and ohhh now jmods your source, i bet santa's been telling you things too?
By the way Jagex, how about you look at the majority of these people on THIS topic of the forums saying how they really don't want it, and how it is probably one of the worst things you've done it.
Also, why not keep it like the regular polls (before you changed the website design and went away with them and substituted the witless quick-polls) where you have to have 72 hours of playing time to vote? Huh? WHY NOT DO THAT!
Just saying. Please, please please reconsider one of your worst ideas ever.