The old wildy put huge parts of the landscape off limits to beginners and to players with no interest in pk-ing. The current system lets those who like pvp battle each other to their hearts' content, without letting them spoil the game for the rest of us. I'm tired of always hearing about people who are quitting because they can't have it like it was. They really are lamenting the lack of easy prey and undeserved rewards. I,for one, will quit if Jagex DOES revert to the old, flawed system that penalizes everyone who doesn't want to spend their time battling gangs of bullies every time we want to visit the Wilderness. Revenants add sufficient risk to the game to make the Wildy the dangerous place it is supposed to be. Putting portions of the map effectively "beyond the pale" to non-pk players is inherently discriminatory.
31-Dec-2010 23:17:53