-just bring it back.!
-like i said already in an earlier post!
-thats just it. it looks like the majority said yes.
-so do it.
I really don't care if free trade comes back. I mean they already ruined the game as much as they possibly could, who wants to barrage 3 times and then spec korasis sword 60? you cant hybrid anymore unless youre 95 pray and thats not even very fun. you cant whip dds pk in edge anymore unless you want to get killed by some chaotic/korasi turmoil idiot. I remember pking in max mage and being able to keep it for a long time. now I cant even keep it for a day without being prodded out by some idiot who started playing in 2010. I voted for free trade but in my opinion this is jagex's way of saying "sorry we ****** up the game"
Tbh, I'm kind of disappointed with what I've seen so far from all these posts. Nobody has presented many formal arguments, though I do realize this may not be the appropriate place for it. So I'll (try to) make mine short.
- Keep the current PvP world system, but to satiate the people who preferred the excitement of the old wildy, make a couple of worlds with similar rules and fewer restrictions. That way skillers and clue-ers and whatnot will be happy too. Variety is the key to success.
- Free trade...merch be or not to be. Free trade makes it quicker, but much riskier, for them to take power and to lose it. In short, they pay much more to control demand, but can lose it all if people figure them out or the item loses popularity. The current system has the opposite effect, but it does take much more time to take effect which also affects their power. The Ge and average price window definitely should stay.
Perhaps having a couple of worlds without the old wilderness for clues, Or just remove clues all together? Against renevants we actually have a chance of escape or ***hting back when doing clues or quests there. Against a pure pker, we don't stand a chance. prayer or not up against a pure pker there goes your clue.
your an idiot, bots are still here and still bad, and news flash bots never "ran" the economy your an idiot if you think so...
Motto 1 - D'hide! Apply directly where you get pwned by ice barrage!
*Death By Nub*
*player since 05*
I made an account after you took both the wilderness, and free trade. So it won't really affect me unless you put it back into the game. But I do see a problem with free trade. The price of goods will scatter and the grand exchange will be... obsolete. For example bgs is around 25m I think last time I checked but if free trade is put back it could go up or down.
your an idiot... pure pkers dont waste there time on any world, a real pker(the ones your so worried about)stay on world 18 and below, you go on world 102(an example) the chances of you even seeing someone is rare and a pker u need to worry about??? quit your ******...
Oh and btw whether or not this is about Jagex and their wanting to get back lost players from the "good old days," does not matter. What should matter is how EVERYONE feels about the game and trying to meet EVERYONE's wishes as equally as possible, and for this commenting section, people have every right to post their opinions, but please at least make it WORTHWHILE to read! Don't just say "Oh, Jagex ruined the game by taking the old stuff away. I'm very nostalgic and selfish and apparently ignorant for voting yes because I only want to satisfy my needs and barely giving any logical reason as to WHY the game was ruined for me. Now I'm going to flame Jagex and express my agner in a nonconstructive way."
Come on, people.