I try to be impartial when commenting on such a heated debate, as i know my view will differ from other people.
Although i was never a fan of the wilderness, i know many were, and in light of that fact, i think the powers that be should take into account ALL players feelings.
On the issue of free trading, some welcome it, others see a disaster , with bots, scamming etc, but there are other solutions to make it fair and fun for everyone. examples like 1) only free trading between friends of more than 1 yr
2) raised trade lvls amongst friends but no free trading
3) a cap on what can be traded for free
The Wilderness -
1) restrict the wilderness to certain world as with pvp
2) remove multi combat from pk worlds, allowing a more fair fight
3) tweak the game for skillers, so that things like runecrafting, clues, penguins etc are brought away from the wilds and into a "safe" zone.
Some will agree with these comments, some wont, but as a paying member i feel there can be some common ground reached if all comments are listened to.
My final comment is this - Why wasnt an inbox message or survey sent out ? allowing all people to give ideas about how this issue could be resolved to suit all ?
A simple yes or no vote very much lacks conviction and to be honest, something in the middle would be far more benifiscial to all players.
As real life, you can never please all the people, all of the time, but at least a more open forum allowing ideas from all players would certainly benefit.
30-Dec-2010 19:31:29