Okay.. I'm just going to say a few things about this and then I'm going to shut up about the whole thing, because it's become apparent that it doesn't really matter what anyone that says "No" thinks..
For starters, I think everyone here needs to look at what's going to happen to GE.. High and low will be removed? Seriously..? How the hell are you supposed to set a price for something when you don't know what it's worth in terms of economy..? Free trade will KILL Runescape's economy, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Real world trading is basically going to take over all of the good items, and then people that bought them with real money will sell them for millions upon millions in RS gold.. And not only that.. Even if they keep the items, does anyone here think it's fair that items can be bought outside of runescape without having to have ANY of the gold it's worth in-game? It seems kind of dumb that the people that've worked hard for what they now have are going to be surrounded by people that are doing nothing and making profit.
As far as wildy goes, I really couldn't care less either way.. It's been around before, and it wasn't a big deal.. Yes, people die in the wilderness.. boo hoo.. So just don't go there. Wildy WILL be more dangerous, like it was before, but is that hurting anyone? Not really.. Just train before you go to wildy, because the main reason to go there will be PKing, if Jagex moves all of the D&D's, arenas, etc to other locations.*
***;DR: Free trade is going to kill Runescape's economy as it's *nown today, and the old wildy coming back is just another day in Runescape with Jagex not being able to make up their mind. I give this update six months of it's release for everyone that voted "Yes" to start complaining about how dangerous wildy has become again.
24-Dec-2010 17:27:40