All that counter shows is that SOME NUMBER less than or equal to (face it; less than) whatever it's at now, like 1.6 mil, want the reversion. The only question is WHAT the real number is. From the evidence amply represented on this thread I'd guess (admittedly wildly) that there are probably like 5 votes counted there for every person (not "account" or "screen name" but person) who wants this.
Between people voting all their accounts (thought we were only supposed to have one according to the rules but oh well...), creating multiple new accounts just to vote them, voting other people's usernames (gleefully, I might add), duping fools in the GE who don't care about it to go vote by autotyped spam, and no doubt other frauds and cheap tactics I'm leaving out, and considering the absolute RABID fanatacism demonstrated by many who want this to happen, it has to be at least around 5 clicks per actual person voting.
Sure, some will have class and vote once and only once. But the fanatics will sit and vote as many times as they cast High alch spells. We're all trained to repetetively click for hours at a time. And lets not forget computer aids to repetetive tasks, shall we say.
Every tactic I'm citing has been demonstrated here multiple times.
Notice I'm not including voting made up names or the same name multiple times, since I'm reasonably convinced that doesn't work. I also didn't mention all of the COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL, I'M SURE phony aspects of the poll itself, like the original design of the "Vote Yes" button being misleadingly labelled "Vote Now."
It's just precious and cute to see all these people that previously had no respect for or confidence in Jagex's decisions or management suddenly so confident in the validity of a poll specifically created completely differently than a normal Jagex poll, and in Jagex's candor and ability when they say they will be doing a much better job controlling bots from now on.
Just priceless.
24-Dec-2010 08:36:49