to be completely honest, i dont see why anyone would want to say no to the whole wildy aspect of this update. skillers will still be able to skill as they please safely out of harms way. clue scroll enthusiast now have a challenge ahead of them like the old days now making those hard clue scroll rewards even more special and priceless. i've done ton of clues back in the old wildy and it made it more exciting when you saw that dreaded "white dot" which got your adrenaline pumping. as a person that pk'd almost regularly and particiated in clan wars everyday back in old wildy, this update will not effect anyone but us. why waste money on pots food and good armour nowadays to ony get 100k from a kill? people may say you know why risk so much money, why not just risk 76k. why? because its more of a challenge then going out in monks robe and a rune 2h, and yet youll get the drop you intended to get. if i see someone with a whip my goal is to kill him for that whip, not for a pile of food and a couple of pieces of pottery.
i understand that people are against the whole wildy idea because going to the corp is now going to be more difficult along with a few quest, but look at the chaos elemental, and mage arena back in the old wildy. that was a boss to kill with pkrs all around, and you know wat that only increased the difficulty/intensity of hunting it. people still managed to get there staffs at the mage arena while avoiding mage bank pkers(rich pkers who pked at the mage bank, for thos new to pk'n). and i will be astonished if they go through with this update without making designated "safe wildy" worlds, for those people looking to do a couple of quest or rc through the abyss without having a heart breaking/ life shattering death!
23-Dec-2010 05:56:38