I did notice a commercial next to the vote bow button, over a million ppl refreshed page/went to this page. massive money(or not) Then is see about the free $10.000 stuff. kinda weird??
I want trade limits off so I can actually pay a decent wage.
Light my alter for house party for 5k plox. Yah right!
I could care less about scammers, I just want to play my way.
Don't we have a Forum Mod here?
Or is repetetively posting the same thing over and over and over perfectly permissible?
I kinda had the strange idea that the forums were for civilized discussions with a semi logical flow, not a freeway soundwall where opposing gangs endlessly spraypaint their tags over their rivals' tags.
Go to the voting,and try to search names from the "recent votes" list on the HiScores.
YOU WON'T FIND THEM,because all of em are lvl3 characters. The voting is totally unfair,and i think Jagex knows that.
of course they know it, they are messing with every 1 to win another award, they have allready decided to change it back or they would have secured the voting, but as it stands they basicly told every 1 to vote, vote with there friends nams, ex friends and enemys