Here's my full opinion on this, like it or hate it, your choice.
In my opinion this is just a rubber stamp. By that I mean that, Yes, JaGeX may be going for a world record attempt with Guiness BUT it will not affect the outcome of it at all. If Jagex really made it up to us they would make us login and there would be a no option. I think that this is already going to happen whether we didn't get 1 vote or we got 1,000,000. If people don't like this update then simply don't walk into the wilderness. Currently revenants are AS dangerous as Player Killer's were...they can freeze you, use all 3 types of combat, and teleport. They are identical to player killers. Jagex won't leave this untouched though, they will do something to change the minigames in the wilderness...I doubt Clue Scrolls will be changed though. Clue Scrolls are meant to be tough and it will stay that way.
I DO support this update, but it will need some touching up upon, but only for the cause of RWT and Scamming.
23-Dec-2010 00:42:18