In the old wilderness there was a difference between skulled and unskulled players. It was part of tactics as a pker. The first one who attacked got the skull. It was fun.
Some type of player does not exist anymore, like the miner/pker-hybrids that existed in those days. They mined, but when some player was strolling around, then you sized him up and changed your plan for the kill or tried to escape to stay alive. Wilderness was a highrisk place. It was amazing.
Now it's too hard to die in the wilderness and revs aren't challenging enough to fight with.
For the so called strolling around player it was fun too. He might be walking around in search for left over loots, or he might be doing some activity for money. In those days runescape-money was worth more. No merch-clans were causing massive inflation by then. Wilderness-treasure isn't making it worth anymore for a trip up there.
Street sale was also amazing to do. You actualy had to do something to get your items sold. You needed some selling-skills to get the price right.
Now you just buy 10M pieces of a cheap item in G.E., sell it back for 1 gp extra, to make a fast 10M profit.
Back in 2006 I was running a clan (proud to say: a top 100 clan). We had those training tournaments.
The best clanmembers, who gained the most XP were awarded some prices, like 5 sets of full rune for the winner, 4 sets of full rune for number two and so on, paid by the clanleaders. It was real fun to do.
I was just able to hand out the sets to the winner in our last tournament, because 2 days later tradinglimits were set and another week later my clan died out after 3 years of existance, because more than half of the clan quit runescape.
Years later in another clan (in 2009), there had been another trainingtournament. No prize for the winner (due to tradinglimits). The winner had been called member of the month. It's like working for mac-donalds instead.
The fun has gone. Now bring it back, along with the lost players
22-Dec-2010 13:13:31
- Last edited on
22-Dec-2010 13:31:34