Ohh and anyone who isnt in support of free trade, should lock themselves in a below freezing bathroom with a Lesser Demon and not come out until January 15.
I don't mind the wildy, since I don't go around there, but quest related stuff people should not be punished by being attack, so unless your going to have wildy worlds then no I don't vote for it. For the free trade, as long as there are scales like we have now to make sure no one gets scammed, then I believe it would be smart. As long as you use your brain to put safety on these things, then I vote for it!
@uffa yes i remember those fell for one aswell but even with the trade limit u can do that to noobs and i still think it's better to learn it at a low lv with "bad" gear also without the tradelimit it would enable people to help others better
i helped a lot of newbies back then so yeah...
21-Dec-2010 23:47:26
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21-Dec-2010 23:48:41
Yami Tamashi
I'm so excited about this possible update.
I didn't play during the time of free trade/open wilderness pking. But I highly support the decision to make it that way once again.
This will bring the community together I think, more clans will be playing together, because they can actually fight together instead of a tightly-restricted pillow fight, in which you have to stand there and argue for 2 hours in order to get a rune plateskirt when the enemy dies.
Also, it will bring the community together by having people more likely to trade face-to-face, instead of pushing a button on a machine and magically getting your item, you will be able to talk the person down a few hundred k, and possibly make money and of course have quite a bit more human interaction.
Obviously now, if Jagex didn't feel that they could successfully reincorporate the free trade and open wildy pking into their game without major problems, they wouldn't even have considered this, right?
To all you people that say, ohh dont bring wild back in all worlds... get over yourself.. seriously... if your scared of getting scammed, get some common sense... i lure the heck outta people and i love it.. if you are not smart enough to see the skull or know where you are at a high level, you must have bought your account... Keep wild in all worlds. because people are just going to crowd into certain worlds.. not to mention, there are always set clan pk worlds and so forth. let us do the choosing, you have ruined enough for us already. i have been playing 9 years.. I DESERVE A VOICE.
The free trade aswell, I started playing young. and the game taught kids how to bargain, and do math, so they didnt get scammed, and if they did... they learned better math. not click a button and boom.
Also for those of you suggesting it on certain worlds... that defeats the purpose of " OLD WILDY" cant read? olllldddd willlddyyyy... It needs to go back to exactly how it was.
21-Dec-2010 23:49:02
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21-Dec-2010 23:52:27
I have mixed feelings about it.
it would bring back some RWT although you said you will combat it it will make it a lot harder and what it the point you guys worked really hard for it harder than most of runescape know. and as for the wildy i think its fine how it is because as others have said it would make mini-games harder and way more dangerous. whats the point you guys realy worked hard for this and i take my hat off to you guys at jagex for all you hard work but now your just going to put it back to how it was before you released the problems.
my vote no
thanks for your time.
So apparently most people play the game sole* for PvP. So jagex, please add in the wilderness, and take out slayer, farming, runecrafting, construction, cooking, firemaking, fishing, fletching, mining, smithing, woodcutting, dungeoneering, herblore, hunter, crafting and agility, as clearly nobody uses these skills and would rather kill each other and scam every single day.
I voted 45 minutes ago thinking the God has surely answered my hopes and dreams of getting wildy and free trade back. But when I got to thinking about it, I began to regret voting. Just think of all the raw materials (yew logs, rune ess, etc.) that will be mass produced by the bots comming in to make money. You can basically say goodbye to anything with value because everyone will have tons of money due to free trade. This will cause inflation therefor making just about every item crash.
As for the wildy, I full support the revival of the "Good ol' days of pking in the wildy. There needs to be a "risky" way to make money in Runescape, not some lame bounty hunter +1 or something where you never get a decent drop.
Ohh and anyone who isnt in support of free trade, should lock themselves in a below freezing bathroom with a Lesser Demon and not come out until January 15.
im all for the old wilderness... but for all the Treasure Trailers, make it like BH worlds and only have certain worlds so people that need to fight the zamorak warrior in the wilderness don't have to worry about pkers as well
I am against the Free Trade tho, many people get scammed and i never really used it anyway, always bought and sold items for what i got for them.
Edit: Also in the times of Free Trade, many of my friends would give each other money just because they had so much to spare, not really fair.
21-Dec-2010 23:52:30
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21-Dec-2010 23:56:34