Two things:
A) REALLY bad design for the poll page JaGeX, if you aren't paying attention you can vote for the change even if you're against it. Really disappointed about this.
B) If the change does go through, PLEASE leave a few worlds where the wildy is as it currently is (ie revenants). I for one shudder to think of what will happen if all the bots come back, but at the very least I want to be able to go to the wildy to do the activities, quests, diversions, and training available there without having to worry about other players killing me when I have nothing of value, simply to get their kicks. The revenants do a fine job of keeping you on your toes, but aren't as focused as a real pker would be on making your day horrible.
Nothing against PKers, not really. But I want to make the decision to do PvP, not have someone else make it for me when I'm trying to do something else.
21-Dec-2010 19:57:16