Jagex, You are really destroying this game...
This is the worst news i've ever heard.
You're listening to the trolls...Not the players.
As we speak, thousands of bots are creating new accounts...Just to vote in your stupid poll...how is it a poll? It's just a vote button that misleads you...
Jagex, How did you get the golden joystick award? HOW DID YOU? Doing updates like this will ruin your chances...
It wil lruin your business.
LOL i've read almost every comment good and bad, and I think I've decied on something that just might work. While I know some people are worried about Treasure trails, stealing creation, clan wars, what if you just made the old wilderness in a couple worlds, and not like the newer bh worlds where you can't go anywhere but edgville and G.E but let us do everything. Just have a warning sign before we teleport to sc or clan wars or something. Now for the trade limit. The trade limit has always affected runescape. My vote however is to give it back! I know people can get scammed, or whatever but thats really on them for not looking at the 2nd screen.And I was thinking about one more thing as I was reading. WHAT ABOUT THE DUEL ARENA!!!! the duel arena was like my home back in the old runescape! I made fortunes, lost, made back... It was more of my life (in runescape
) then anything else!!!! including wildy or trade limit!!! well if you're reading this part thank you for listening to my lecture or speech rather. Alright Jagex!Thanks! <3 to RuNeScApE
so not only you are letting people vote , but also every account they own too huh , so infact not a real poll, but a virtual one , this should have been done by email clarification , not just account name , watch all the lil pkers start making new accounts just to get the extra vote in , told you the other day in mmgs cc this was a mistake , now you are going to see why :/
AAAHHHHHH why r u guys bringing it back?
I support, but Im just worried bout da rwters, gold sellers, and scammers
Da worst Christmas Gift from Jagex?<_>
I voted for.
The reason for that is because I believe the game was better without restrictions of Free Trade. I never PK'd anyways, so I don't care about the Wildy. (I'd actually prefer THAT left alone for my clue scrolls, lol
Many other games use a free trade system and a very few amount of persons actually take advantage of this system in order to bypass rules.
Here is my suggestion for the problems that Jagex will face with this:
1. Botting - Work on this, hire more anti-bot crew (whatever their position is called
2. GoldFarming - Jagex,find a way to scam the gold farmers. Buy their gold and track it. Ban all accounts on a suspicious/foriegn IP (Asia, etc.) -- Technically your property.
3. Scamming? - The people will learn from their mistakes. (lol)
Well, I just want free-trade reinstated into the game, and that's all. This is just my opinion and why I voted for it.
21-Dec-2010 19:36:48
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21-Dec-2010 19:39:32
First off i'd like to say this is a great idea to have people heard. I realize a lot of people are just clicking vote without reading things and that's there own fault. all information is stated on what clicking vote will do and they should stop complaining.
On the other hand a more detailed list is needed.
will this take away graves? If i die at corpreal beast will my teamates be looting my grave? in a normal world will my clue scrolls be impossible?
with free trade will you be eliminating the grand exchange?
there are so many things unanswered and without these i can not make a decision.
If you give back the old wildy thats fine but you better take away the grand exchange and allow us time to make money back. freeze prices in ge to prices set by jagex if you cant get rid of it that way if they arent buying you will have to see street vendors (the player community) to get it at a price without trade limitations.
You already have a way to get rid of junk. a new safe lending system is in place. the steps are in but do you have what it takes to not mess up rolling it back to the days of old?
just remember what the ultimate goal of this voting seems to be. because if you vote you give all our power into gold pieces, if not the items stay the dominant trading units.
21-Dec-2010 19:36:50
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21-Dec-2010 19:51:02