I've been playing RS for over 7 years! Never have I been scammed by another player, nor have I been hacked, keylogged or anything else. I am not saying this can't happen to me, but I pay attention to all trades and never, ever give out personal information that could give a hacker any idea what my recovery answers are! With that said, I voted yes to the referendum! Mainly for the free trade... Every Xmas holiday, I would work my skills, make nice items or bulk items (e.g. 1k gold bars, etc) and would randomly drop in banks around RS. I would always choose banks with lots of lower level players who, either cannot make this themselves or afford to purchase these things. I do have a question and I hope a J Mod will answer me.
Q - With the return of free trade, if I were to drop, say 1000 gold bars noted, would other players be able to see this item? I have always been a giving person on RS, especially once I got to where I was able to make nice things that lower levels could not afford or make for themselves. I enjoy making others happy in game! When I was a low level, there were people who did that for me and I remember how happy it made me. So, I myself wish to return that favor to others!
With regard to Pk'ing..... Well, I can live with it or without it, honestly! I was a Pk'er for years, in some of the well known PK clans (e.g. DI, Mystic Legends) and had a lot of friends in RSD which was another very good Pk'ing clan! I prefer skilling now, but I think I could get back into Pk'ing occasionally! There should be some sort of code of ethic in the wild tho... What I mean by that is, what fun is it to just PK anyone walking thru the wild? I will never attack a clue seeker or someone wanting to do agility in the wild. I used to protect people at the agility place in wild, just because I thought it was wrong to PK someone trying to train a non-combat skill to get nothing in return except the pleasure of killing someone! I enjoy playing RS and will for many years!
20-Jan-2011 14:05:11