Hello RuneScape community,
I have to say, I'm 100% for this move and I think it's been about 2 years coming!
I came back to RS about a year and a half ago, to find that it had been pummeled by its own creators! No free trade? No Wilderness? Really, there are MANY better ways to deal with RWT and BOTTERS than punishing the entire community of people who pay you money to play your game. Technology is getting better, not worse, and like they say somewhere in that referendum that they have been working hard to catch the botters, RWTers, etc. Now it seems Jagex is ready to revert that punishment upon us.
I see that the 7% that are saying no have all gathered here on these forums to complain. You'll notice, anything that's negative to someone empowers them more than when it's a positive thing. I beg you to not let everybody that is CRYING on these forums ruin what is going to be a nice setup. I would rather loan my friends my items on a more permanent basis, e.g. overnight, until I need it back, or whatever. I can't even give my buddy a stack of super sets with the current jacked up system.
What if I want to start someone on the game? Well, I want them to play the game in style, I want to give them things that surely won't help me as much as they'll help a new player, and again... I can't do that currently. I would NEVER ask a IRL friend to play this game if I couldn't help them out.
I do not, however, see a point to removing the max and min prices in the GE. I really like being able to pull up an item, max the price, and buy it now. If the price isn't already, give or take, set, then how on Earth is a guy that's RuneScape Economy challenged supposed to utilize the GE properly?
I see that there's over 1000 pages to this over-bloated thread, and my post will probably not even be read by Jagex, but I still want to say thank you if this is set forward.
Get your new customers Jagex, you deserve it! Happy 2011 to all.
02-Jan-2011 11:49:16