Ok...I See we have some issues people have brought up with why the wilderness and free trade should be brought back.
(1.) Bots - There has been a solution for this since day one...REPORT ABUSE BUTTON. I believe that if Jagex were to "better educate" people on Reporting Bots and so on and why it benefits them to report the bot, it would help substantially to get rid of this Bot problem.
(2.)Scamming - scamming people will be much harder this time around, seeing as if anyone removes anything from the trade window it starts flashing red... so yeah... and if you dont know how much an item costs, maybe you should ask around and findout some other prices on it before you just give away all this money that may be twice the much its being sold for regularly.
(3.)Luring - THINK
(4.)Wilderness threat to clues/quests - Jagex has announced they are relocating all clues and quests which were involved with the wilderness.
(5.)Real World Trading - There isn't really much that can be done but its not like it wasnt done during the Trade Limit ages...
Basically Jagex has made a decision to take off Runescape Players "training wheels" and let them out into the real world once again after being locked up for these long painful 3 years, Players need to learn how to use their brains. Also PKing sucks now when u get 1mil drops from someone in full bandos =) well yea... hope you liked that presentation. thanks for your time Jagex <3.
Nothing Can Be Bad Forever, in perspective.
02-Jan-2011 11:19:24