
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Mystic Monad
May Member 2005

Mystic Monad

Posts: 12,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agent B MiB,
I'm sorry you came across some rude and childish merchants in your early days of playing RS.
However, if you can set that old grudge aside and open your mind a bit, you may come to understand what merchants do for the RS economy, why they are necessary for the economy to function smoothly, and how honest merchants benefit all players.

19-Jan-2011 21:47:53



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mystic Monad

19-Jan-2011 21:47:53
Agent B MiB,
I'm sorry you came across some rude and childish merchants in your early days of playing RS.
early days? from 03 to dec 07, it was the same.
the only reason they arent that way now, is because of the ge. if they can mercahnt though the ge, thats all up to them. they arent affecting anyone really.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

19-Jan-2011 21:54:07

Mystic Monad
May Member 2005

Mystic Monad

Posts: 12,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agent B MiB,
The blast furnace has had a minimal effect on smithing. It's never been all that popular, and the vast majority of smelting does not take place at the blast furnace. What smelting *does* take place at the blast furnace generally goes straight into smithed items, and does not have much effect on the overall smithing economy.
Miscellanea may have some effect in that it produces coal. But coal is not the most profitable item to have your Miscellanea subjects produce, and few high-level players would have their Miscellanea account set to produce coal. Once again, I doubt Miscellanea has all that much effect on the smithing economy.
What the blast furnace and Miscellanea do provide is alternatives to the traditional way of doing things.
However, traditional methods of smelting and smithing are still faster and more efficient than the blast furnace because of the lack of a bank at the blast furnace.
And I suspect that most coal in the game still comes from mining, not Miscellanea. After all, it would be more efficient to set Miscellanea to produce more lucrative items than coal, and buy the coal with the proceeds. And that, according to basic laws of economics, means that coal is being produced more efficiently by other methods besides Miscellanea.

19-Jan-2011 21:57:47

Mystic Monad
May Member 2005

Mystic Monad

Posts: 12,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Agent B MiB,
If you foolishly tried to battle the merchants all that time, I can understand why they were rude to you. It would be nice if everyone playing RS were grown up and mature. But that's not the case. And rudeness is not limited to merchants. :|
Yes, the GE takes away the need for personal interaction to do merchanting, and therefore removes most of the rudeness from merchanting.
Though I love the GE, I'm not convinced that it's better socially to have most trades going through an impersonal game mechanism. In fact, the general effect of many of the changes of January '08 was to make the game more impersonal, with less player interaction.
Yes, that cut down on the rudeness. But it also cut down on the overall social interactions of the game.
One of the things I'm looking forward to with the return of free trade is the return of more personal, player-to-player interaction. It will never be as it was before the GE. But at least players *can* wheel and deal with each other in an atmosphere of free trade.
Now as for the idea that GE merchants don't affect anyone, that's simply not true*
*** merchants make the RS economy work better for everyone who uses the GE, and by its ripple effects, for everyone in RS.
Without GE merchants, it would be twice as hard to buy and sell the items players want to buy and sell as it is now.
Once the trade restrictions are removed**** merchants will be even more critical in stabilizing prices on the GE and keeping the economy flowing along smoothly.
In fact**** merchants will be precisely the players that prevent the buyout and other scamming clans from easily doing their dirty business on the GE after free trade returns.

19-Jan-2011 22:07:45

Mystic Monad
May Member 2005

Mystic Monad

Posts: 12,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If I weren't so big into freedom, I'd require every RS player to go through a basic economics tutorial as a part of their new account experience. Then maybe we wouldn't have to listen to so much rubbish on the forums.
Hmm . . . I guess that wouldn't work. Most players would just click through all the screens without reading them, and remain just as ignorant of economics as before. :P
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if people preferred understanding to ignorance? :|

19-Jan-2011 22:09:11 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2011 22:09:53 by Mystic Monad



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While it certainly is true to say I don't like how the voting came out, I believe I'm objective enough to leave that feeling out of my criticism of how it was conducted, and I'm surprised another obvious intelligent grownup like you can't seem to see the problems with it.
(Oh, before I forget... I didn't state it clearly in the recent post about converting PVP worlds, but I understand that any old wildy or free trade requires ALL worlds to have free trade and have stated that previously, but as Agent says, I don't see why that means all worlds must have old wildy.)
I agree that asking people for their opinions in game is not useful since as you say, everyone's sample will certainly be biased to their own style of play, which is why I've never used that argument.
All you have to do to see the flaws in the voting is to ask basic questions about why the methodologies they chose were chosen*
*** does polls all the time. Why was this poll not simply done the way all other polls are done?
If your goal is to find out the level of interest in the proposal among your customers, why mislabel the petition a "poll" and the "vote yes" button "vote now?" (changed early on, granted)
Why not include an option to vote no in the petition?
Could that omission not mislead people into not voting "no" in the second poll?
Why include the COMPLETELY OBVIOUS bug/flaw allowing yes voters to vote other people's accounts yes?
Why suggest people make new accounts to vote at a time when only "yes" votes count?
For that matter, why even ALLOW new accounts to vote either way? Returning customers all had accounts (probably multiples, since they were ex-PKers) they could use to vote yes.
I could go on, but can you seriously believe after even this much evidence that the polls were designed to accurately reflect levels of interest in the proposal? Can you really be that naive? Having said all this, I accept there was probably a majority of people for yes, just not a huge one.

19-Jan-2011 22:17:15 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2011 22:30:33 by Phthartic



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mystic Monad

19-Jan-2011 21:57:47
Agent B MiB,
The blast furnace has had a minimal effect on smithing. It's never been all that popular ...
i seldom go there without seeing a few people there. its a lot more popular that you realise. in addition, you get a lot of low cost ores and coal there. its not set up to do in large groups, but its there is a lot more going on there than you know.
...What smelting *does* take place at the blast furnace generally goes straight into smithed items, and does not have much effect on the overall smithing economy....
the smithing economy is about making exps. thats why it has more effect that you understand. i know, that as a merchant, you cant understand that, but that is why its set up that way. the blast furnace is a BALLANCING effect. it means that you can mine enough ores outside of it to smith the right amount to get the keep the exps in ballance. the difference between the exps you get from mining and smithing are made up by the smithing in the blast furnace.
let me try to draw you a picture. you mine say 10000 exps worth of coal and mith. you smith it and come up with 5000 exps in smithing. later you go to the blast furnace, and get another 5k exps buying the ores and coal there, smelting, smithing, and either selling (knives though the ge, and an occasional plate to the dwarf) or alching your products.
the result is a small amount of profit, and quite a ballanced 10k smithing and mining exps.
...Once again, I doubt Miscellanea has all that much effect on the smithing economy. ..
you have no idea how much that 2k coals a week helps. i have most (8) of my island set up for herbs, a small amount for birds (2) and the rest (5) on coal. add the free banking from juju and the task reward, and i get a lot of coal for the rest of my smithing (83 mining and 84 smithing, high enough).
...lack of a bank at the blast furnace....
the bank has little effect if you are going after exps. the dwarf can unnote ores.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

19-Jan-2011 22:25:53 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2011 22:37:29 by dunforgiven

Mystic Monad
May Member 2005

Mystic Monad

Posts: 12,305 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think Jagex was pretty sure before conducting the poll and referendum how they'd turn out.
I think Jagex handled them differently than previous polls because they knew that this change will have a much bigger and more controversial effect on the game than any of those other polls.
I think Jagex wanted to bring free trade and the old wildy back before they ever staged the first (weird) vote.
I think Jagex wanted to bring back free trade and the wildy both because that's what their customers wanted and because it would be better for them economically. (The two are really the same, eh wot?)
I think Jagex had to conduct some sort of a referendum to support a return of free trade and the old wildy in order to satisfy the naysayers that this is what the players want, and not just what Jagex wants.
I think Jagex could have handled the whole voting thing better.
I think that Jagex was surprised at the speed and magnitude of the response, and that this massive response put Jagex off-balance and led to much swifter action that Jagex had originally planned.
I think that no matter how Jagex had conducted the voting, the yes votes would have won overwhelmingly for the return of both the old wilderness and free trade.
I think that if Jagex had handled the voting better, the only real difference would be perhaps 10% fewer people complaining about it. :P
AND, I think that restoring free trade and the wilderness will make Runescape a better game, despite the necessity of an increased battle against bots and RWT, and a return of some of the old-style player-to-player scamming.
Based on all this, I think that despite the messy way we're getting there, Jagex is doing what's best for the game and what the great majority of its customers want.
So I think that in the end, all the uproar will be worth it for the sake of improving Runescape.

19-Jan-2011 22:33:44 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2011 23:40:48 by Mystic Monad



Posts: 102,158 Ruby Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mystic Monad

19-Jan-2011 22:07:45
Agent B MiB,
If you foolishly tried to battle the merchants all that time, I can understand why they were rude to you ....
battle them? do you realise that the alternative to battle them is to surrender to their total control over the game and to never make any money? the only way to skill without getting help for your smithing is to take a couple decades to do it.

...I'm not convinced that it's better socially to ...
for merchants who play the game just to get gps and to talk im sure its a horrible system. for the rest of us, the ge is great. we dont have to stand around trying to beat out a merchant that is constantly undercutting us and insulting us because we want the best deals for our money. merchants never had that. they only had their own interest in mind.
frankly my dear, I couldn't give a dam. never had a river to build one on.
veteran of 4 runescapes

19-Jan-2011 22:39:43 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2011 22:42:08 by dunforgiven

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