
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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i mylo i

i mylo i

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If Jagex is actually goes through with this, the game will be revived. If I talk to someone about runescape, the first thing that comes to mine is CHILDREN. It has become a child's game. There is a certain point of restraint you can put on players before they can't take it anymore. To me that was taking away free trading. Let players be free, stick to banning cheaters and making updates.

22-Dec-2010 09:12:17

Dec Member 2007


Posts: 219 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted "Yes" for the simple reason that there used to be two ways you had genuine interactions with other players (besides idle chat, which I'm not into). One was trading, and the other was when someone was trying to kill you. Both pretty much went away with the new system.
On the wilderness: revenants can be dangerous, but they just aren't interesting. PKers are. And this is from someone who only went to the wilderness for quests, clues, and green dragons, and considered the pker's a nuisance. But still they made the wilderness an exciting place.
On free trade: the chaotic marketplaces on trading worlds were loads of fun, as was hanging out trying to get steals on dragon hides. But on the other hand, it was a lot less efficient and I like being able to sell or buy almost anything on the GE. I say remove the trade limits (or change them drastically) but keep the GE. That means we won't get the old free-for-all trading back, but it will reduce the inefficiencies of an overly constrained market. If someone else is desperate for something I have, I'll make a profit off his need; on the other hand, if I need cash badly someone else will get something cheap.
(There are ways you can control manipulative trades. For example, if someone is buying something at a price way above the GE price, you could choose to have a "magic elf" show up and sell the person the item for the GE price plus a delivery fee. Buyer gets what he needs, seller doesn't make a trade.)

22-Dec-2010 09:12:25

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 213 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I vote NO for old wilderness. Clue scrolls, activities and quests will be harder to reach and complete. Fighting Monsters in a group, like chaos elemental, can be interrupted by PK'ers who are attacking the group. Green/red dragons will become a massive PvP place and the agility course won't be used anymore.
If the old wilderness returns, it should be in every world and not the full wilderness, such like a activity?
About free trade, I'm not really sure. My vote says YES AND NO. I'd love to have free trade with my friends etc. but scamming will return. Perhaps the trade limit must become higher or an option in trade window that says: Yes/No free trade with....(this player). And I think that every other player will AGREE with me that the GRAND EXCHANGE MUST STAY.
Solo Slayer

22-Dec-2010 09:12:44 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2010 09:23:59 by SoleyRS

Bostjan h

Bostjan h

Posts: 695 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
no, I missed it big time first time it got taken out od the game, missed luring, but I actually find it great the way it is now. Leave it be, +most old school pkers as they call themselves has quitted permanently anyway due to school/age/whatever so they wont all just rush back as some people like to thing.
But if it does come back i wont cry either :)

22-Dec-2010 09:13:32

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
old wildy and the free trade limit are and will always be remembered as some of the best things about this game
many of us old players like myself loved being able to go onto any world and just explore knowing at any time you could die or make a very profitable kill
but now with revs you can't go into wildy without being prepared to die or prepared with waste your entire inventory for glory amulet if your lucky
free trade was awesome i have a friend he has a santa i would love to show it off or its my birthday and he wants to give me one because he can afford it couple minutes later its mine and i'm a very happy birthday boy
we know people still sit in there room with two computers and wait 15 minutes to trade over 5k-60k and honestly an hour goes by fast when your having fun playing a game like runescape
so jagex i hope you read this post i took the time to write up ignore the typos of a refugee and just be careful not to make a huge change to the game and then have to regret making the change
as a side note i would also love to go destroy those green dragon farmers with there cannons its just annoying seeing a spot in wildy that crowded and not being able to do anything about it

22-Dec-2010 09:15:04



Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Whey, reintroducing the wildy and free trade the main part of Runescape that died, bringing it back will bring alot more players, yes people will get scammed but it's not our fault or Jagex's fault is it? It's the persons fault they should be more careful.
Real world trading? They are still doing it, so you've fought it but they are still making a lot of money off it.
Botting, there will always be botting, you'll ever be able to get rid of them.
All reasons why you removed it was just a desperate cry for help at the time, a reaction of defeat. My point is reintroduce it and find other ways to combat it without dramatic changes to Runescape.

All of Jagex and most players on runescape know you should it, stop killing me with this wait and do it :o

22-Dec-2010 09:15:30

White Zizard
Oct Member 2019

White Zizard

Posts: 41 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The old wildy is bad news,PVP is quite nice for killing other players.
I'd bet that a lot of the people wanting old wildy back just want to exploit those players with slower computers, and internet connections.
People just trying to do a clue scroll or run to the abyss. I seriously doubt there is a safer alternative to the wilderness as it is, from the RWT perspective the old wildy was a nightmare.
I can think of 6 friends off hand who rage quit after being teleported into the ice plateau fully armored and unsuspecting. For this game to survive it needs to have variety, and not anger the new players too badly. the variety is there by allowing PVP on PVP worlds as well as castlewars and the duel arena.
in terms of suggestions, i suggest GE prices to be linked to the upward or downwardin value nature of simmilar items as it would be akin to one item in a sets price rising in the current GE and in my proposed all sets' items separate values would rise,
some method of after market trading would be benificial, and combat RWT and appease people. let players buy items for 1.5x of the value if they have so and so many quests done. people junk trade but thats a lot of hassle
If i want to buy an abyssal whip for 9 mill it should let me put in the offer to buy at that high
either a slower GE or an instant intraworld GE is my reccomendation, and No to the wilderness

22-Dec-2010 09:16:46

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