i know that jagex has made tough decisions. getting rid of unalanced trade was a very big decision that jagex made. there were the gold farmers who would use macros to play multiple accounts to get a large ammount of natual resorces that one account could not get all by itself. then came along selling gold to other players who did not know how to make the gold profits on their own. i am not sure if jagex was mad at either the gold farmers for making a profit off of a product they owned, or as they claim the amount of people who were cheating by buying gold. whichever the probability i have a important point to make.
i have noticed the bots during my time playing runescape. now there were the lvl 3 gold farming bots that were very easy to spot, that were here before the 2007 un balanced trde update. these bots came into exsistance due to the rule jagex has about macros or use of third party software. people used lvl 3 accounts in fear of their mains being banned.
but then there are the 'new bots' if we may. these 'new' bots' are what became of the unbalanced trade update. the players who used to use bots on their many lvl three accounts decided they did not care if their mains got banned. now i know the unbalanced trade update was to get rid of these macro bots that 'ruined' the game but it failed
so recently i have noticed the amount of players with skill capes. it used to be possible to spot the gold buyers from a mile away with the skill capes that were 'buyable' skills such as cooking, fletching, and firemaking. now these people were the ones we didnt respect for thir skill capes.
bt there are the people who are using bots on their mains now. these people are botting skills like strength and are hard to spot.
well no matter what runescape does, there will always be cheaters, i belive before the unbalanced trde update the cheaters worked better for the game. items were cheaper, botters were easy to spot, gold buyers were obvious, and jagex had many subscriber
22-Dec-2010 09:10:23