the game lost something after 07, but jagex had no choice than doing it, cuz at the time, they did'nt have the right systems to track down rwt, botting etc.
now after al these years, they have the technique , and are asking us to vote the best time in rs back.
now i understand there are alot of players here that never played when trade ( no limiet) en wildy was normal, but i assure those people that it makes the game 100% better.
without trade /wildy runescape wasn't the same anymore, yes we could still do pvp worlds and bh, but isn't it 1000 times more excited when you are killing the player , and you see his shiny fury necklace on his neck, and you know if i kill this guy that fury is mine.!
isnt it alot of fun if you want to give youre friends 1-5mil or more, just like that to say , hey ty guys for helping me al these years, instead of 1k people hoarding part petes, and ull never even now who got ur generous gift.
everything b4 ge , was alot better!
so vote the wildy and trade back, it will make YOU, JAGEX, and ME, alot happier.
ty for reading this.
greetz aliens
22-Dec-2010 09:17:07
- Last edited on
22-Dec-2010 09:17:50