Okay, Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, jagex, Players, Friends, Mods, I've Been Playing This Game Ever Since 2002 when the trade limit wasnt here or the grandexchange,it wasnt good at all players, were making sites, and giving away phats, bandos all these rares, which now aday's you say is agisnt the rules ever since you made the grandexchange you had more players people could sell there items, fletching for instance people like to master the skill and enjoy it but if they cant find anyone to buy flax/bowstring from it'll crash!! runecrafting the grandexchange saved it so players didnt have to mine the runes then make them people dont have all the time in the world to dedicate there time away like that, and so on most of your skills were saved by the grandexchange prayer as well, i dont care if you bring back the wilderness, but back to the fact that you'll loose players big time Please jagex dont make this mistake again!!!
22-Dec-2010 09:22:24