On the other hand, so called "flipping" is real merchanting. It follows in honest fashion the basic law of merchanting, which is "buy low, sell high."
One of the steadiest methods of GE merchanting involves buying high-volume items when the price is dipping, then selling as it rises.
These merchants buy items when there are more ordinary players selling the item than buying it (which is why the price is going down), and they sell items when more ordinary players are buying the item than selling it (which is why the price is going up).
So these merchants provide a valuable service to ordinary players by buying their items when not enough players want to buy, and selling their items when not enough players want to sell.
This helps players to buy and sell items when they want. It also helps even out the huge price fluctuations (rises and drops) that would otherwise take place, thus having a stabilizing influence on prices.
In market terms, it helps keep the market in various items fluid, so that there are always buyers and sellers when needed.
For these services, the merchants receive a mark-up on their items, which is their profit. Essentially, other players are paying them to buy when most others are selling, and sell when most others are buying.
The merchant takes the risk of losing money instead of making money. Their suppliers and customers reap the benefit of being able to sell or buy their items when they want to.
I've done this type of RS merchanting for years, and have made most of my gp at it.
Yes, I've taken some losses when I made a "bad bet" on an item that I thought would rise, but that just kept going down instead.
But mostly I've made good money by following the prices of various high-volume items in the GE database, and buying and selling at times that look advantageous.
I feel good about both the money I've made and the service I've provided--and so should every other honest merchant in RS.
19-Jan-2011 15:14:20
- Last edited on
19-Jan-2011 15:17:52
Mystic Monad