
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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C x 2
Jul Member 2022

C x 2

Posts: 21 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ALL i can say is, all the stupid new 2009+ players who know NOTHING about how fun old runescape was with wilderness and free trade was and voted NO are complete idiots. The other guys who voted no obviously do not have their heads on right.

11-Jan-2011 08:03:16 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2011 08:04:12 by C x 2



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Obviously Jagex wouldn't be offering this unless they really upped their bot detection methods. Saying that this will bring back RWT on the scale it was before is ridiculous. Same goes for scamming and luring. After all the recent developments that fair trade has brought, somebody would have to be a real idiot to fall for the usual scams, in which case they deserve it.
Half of my reason for voting yes on this is a matter of principle. Voting no on this is letting RWTers affect the way runescape works on a massive scale, and I dont know, takes the sense of danger out of the game that I found so much fun.
Not even to mention the PVP, which currently revolves around people clustering around banks wasting their food away by safing against safers. It's just not half as fun... I miss the wildy, and having to report the occasional bot while im fishing seems a really minuscule sacrifice for having the good ol' wild back.
After seeing the landslide polls, I think i might just start playing this game again. Runescape is BACK!

11-Jan-2011 08:11:25 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2011 08:17:03 by [#NBVRC0AQ7]



Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
im just wondering, im about to get summoning on my pure, if i get summoning and it raises my cb will that effect my cb while i pk with the changes ure about to make? or will there be a trench u have to climb over that will make my cb 80 + (summoning difference)

11-Jan-2011 08:43:02

A Legend Bro
Aug Member 2023

A Legend Bro

Posts: 136 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As soon as this gets passed, I will celebrate by trimming everyone's armor, free of charge!!!
No need to thank me. ;)
Lol, I kind of miss standing around a bank and making fun of all the scammer noobs. Hollow reeds, armor trimming, and monkey nuts were everywhere. If these guys come back, this vote will be worth it!!!
Also, while I never really pk'ed, I did rather enjoy jumping into low level wildy just to annoy pk'ers with mud pies and other low level stuff. Now it'll be even better, since I can annoy people with some of my redeemable armor on. Gotta go get me a pair of agile legs!

11-Jan-2011 09:14:21

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