Why are people complaining about the G.E and limits etc.
The economy can never run with fixed prices for every item...
say for instance, if the government controlled all the prices for shops products, the world would be a mess. Leaving the owners with no control over the prices.
You want to set an item price of an item you own, because it's yours and you have the right to sell it for as much as you want. The economy will NEVER work with fixed prices. Even IRL.
As for "omg item scammers" It happens... I got scammed once and never did it again.
There is a fricken flashing exclaimation mark for god sakes and coloured money now + a second trade window for checking. Did you know you can use your eyes to check things?
someone on first page said "The wildy is fine and trade is fine". No it's not, the wildy is horrid. I don't want to get 1 itemed by a d clawrer and lose all my crap. Where as if I kill him, I get nothing... What a joke? wildy is too limited and its not enjoyable.
you need freedom to do all the awesome things for pking.
11-Jan-2011 07:42:45