
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Paul K 05

Paul K 05

Posts: 600 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i have played rs since 2002 and i have had many accounts over these years and i find since the removal of wilderness and free trade rs seems to be getting swallowed up by all the do gooders, back in the day every 1 benifited from pking, the skillers made money from pots, food ext, pkers from the drops and so on, this was a stable economy, when the g.e came into place this sharply dissapeared and so did communication with players instead of spending your time interacting with outher players in rs and making new freinds along the way, there was no need to interact with one anouther hence communicating and making new freinds. personaly bring back the wild and free trade and you will bring back runescape!!!

10-Jan-2011 14:52:55 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 14:53:47 by Paul K 05

Nov Member 2023


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I also have mixed opinions on the re-introduction of Free-Trade and the old-Wilderness.
Although I only saw the old Free-Trade for a short while I do remember being really gutted when they removed it. However, I have grown use to and fond of the Grand Exchange.
If it is re-introduced, I don't really like the idea of G.E. remaining as a medium used for buying and selling. Competitive pricing when selling items is most likely going to completely distrupt the ecenomy.
A request. If Free-Trade is to come back, it would be wonderful if players could have a warning (at 'least' a week would be nice) before the change is made. This would give us sometime to make some changes to our in-game plans - as some of these plans rely on the G.E.'s slightly consistent pricing to estimate the approx. cost of getting certain skills to 99.
I know that it would be nice to suprise us with such a big update (if the mojority wants it back that is) - But I also believe something like an Update Countdown would be more appropriate, because these updates, if they are to happen, affect in-game in a huge way and players would need time to prepare.
'The Wildy'
In some respects bringing back the old wildy and death system would be fun. But I remember when I was a new player and was tricked into following other players into the wilderness. I don't want this happening to other new and unsuspecting players.
Also, the new Wildy isn't as bad as most people seem to think. So I'm not completely sure where I stand with the Wilderness side of things.
Thanks. (I know it's a long post. But this posible update caught my attention and I needed to get it out. =D)
Have FUN !

10-Jan-2011 14:54:00

Rigly Hood

Rigly Hood

Posts: 1,801 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, myself being a veteran of runescape. I'm so glad all of this is happening. It will bring back all that nostalgia from the game I once truly loved to play. Thank you Jagex for making this vote possible. I'm not saying "finally you've done something right(or wrong)" because I understand the toll it took on the game when you did take out the free trade and wildy, I also understand why you did so. Many many great things have came out during the time of no free trade or classic wilderness. I'm glad for this, because it will make the game even better then before.
~Lethal Seth~

10-Jan-2011 14:54:10

C Collects
Jan Member 2011

C Collects

Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is crazy! I remember when the GE was first introduced it was AMAZING! Showing people how much items were worth during a trade made so much sense and helped new players from being ripped off. I remeber paying 1k for a bronze pickaxe whenever I died >****; Now that the wilderness is going to revert back to PVP doing the quests out there is going to be near enough impossible! There are so many places that people can fight PVP; in mini games, PVP worlds and bounty hunter worlds. There is no need to subject everyone to a large PVP area when those who want it can get it easily. I agree that free trade would be good for lots of people and I personally would welcome that aspect of the game to return but why can't it be implemented alongside the current system so that people can see how much items are worth and then pay whatever they want to? On the other hand if this update happens then the GE will be rendered useless, prices will soar and merchant clans will take over.

10-Jan-2011 15:16:50



Posts: 8,661 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I quickly read through the replies and I do think it would be a good thing to have another poll to find out which players really *ant EVERYTHING back and which players, like many people here, seem to only want the wilderness back but not free trading...
I know it will be hard to bring back just the wilderness without free trading but still...
I do agree with many people here that bringing back free trading could bring back alot of harm to runescape which is why it probably wouldn't be a good thing to reintroduce it the way it used to be, same for pking. But i'm sure that jagex will be able to think of some tweaks to bring back the fun of the old days, combined with more safeguards against scamming, RWT, ... .

10-Jan-2011 15:17:18



Posts: 8 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All of the people who are calling jagex "insane" or "crazy" , you guys are the crazy ones.
This game was BASED on pking, when old wildy and trade limit come back, do you realize how many players are going to be back on this game? How many old pros etc.
The people who are saying NO to the wild and saying "oh well luring.." You obviously have never PKed during 2007 wild. The game is alot different and alot better when that is out. Trust me, you'll be happy.
unless theres something jagex is'nt telling us of course..
Looking forward to it.
- xCut Throat

10-Jan-2011 15:22:44

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reply to "Hamer 2 Fall's" post (and other previous posts.)
I'm quite sure that I read that if they were to bring back the Classic Wilderness, that they would make changes to Quests and Clue Scrolls that require you to go into the Wilderness. I'm guessing they mean you probably wouldn't have to go into the wildness. Although, in sayins so, I don't think they're just going to just take away the risks (e.g Revenants), when relocating these Quests and Clue Scrolls they'll probably move the revenants also, or introduce new risks.
(Correct me if I'm wrong.)

10-Jan-2011 15:25:55

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