
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm wonder what happens to banned accounts because my main is banned and i havent touched it in 2 years after playing WoW for so long. I know I must of been hacked, since it's banned i cant look anything for it, i would get back to runescape asap if a mass unban was to occur and the free trade + wildy was back. I have an other account that i worked on as a side thing incase something happened to main and i want to transfer my stuff over, but hte trade limit kind of messed that up.

10-Jan-2011 12:57:14

RNG 10615

RNG 10615

Posts: 986 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i read a few pages of this nonsense and all i see is people complaining about getting scammed people selling gold and people botting if u get scammed ur a god damn noob and why do u give a damn about people botting and selling gold its there risk not urs

10-Jan-2011 13:35:20 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 13:36:07 by RNG 10615

thx 4 ur GPz

thx 4 ur GPz

Posts: 15 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i for one am very excited about this i have been playing this game since RSC was the main game type and built my char for staking and pking. as soon as they got rid of free trade i quit. i logged on once a month or so to check up on things and say hi to friends that turned into once maybe a year. i logged on yesterday for the first time in 307 days and saw this vote. i nearly **** a brick. i voted yes and i will glady play again if all is back to the old fun way. now ill never finish building my car all my free time will be back on here haha

10-Jan-2011 13:56:57

Feb Member 2023


Posts: 590 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ok so for anyone that is actually still reading this here is the way i look at it. i voted yes. i believe it would be a great addition to the game to bring both of these items back. however there are a few catches.
i do believe some of the worlds should remain as are with the wilderness. with the addition of penguins and more wilderness activities it just becomes annoying to have to keep trying when pkers just stand there and wait to kill you in big mobs. mage arena and such as well. if some worlds could keep the new wilderness (like non-pvp worlds?) i think it would keep many more people happy. other than that i see no reason to not bring back the old wilderness.
now free trade. i believe this is also a good thing to bring back with it's own catches. the market prices should still be displayed at the bottom of the window so you know that you are getting your values worth. also all i have to say to people that got scammed is pay more attention. if you don't look hard enough to avoid getting scammed then you just fail. especially with the way trade has been edited. yes rwt and scamming will occur but with all the updates to the trade system it will be very difficult as long as the players still pay attention. i believe the lending system should be expanded upon a bit as well. somewhat like the trade system but i think that you should be able to lend more items with the more qp that you have. nothing outrageous (max of like 4 items) but something to help the system along a bit.
thats about all i can think of at this time. i still vote yes for the old days. although i really hate pkers and pures, it was still a part of the game that everyone learned about. i hope you all read this and take it into consideration. any support votes for this or things that you don't like just leave a comment and if i read it i might consider adding your idea to this post. hope you all have a great day and bring on the wilderness and free trade!

10-Jan-2011 14:06:14

Aug Member 2011


Posts: 505 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted no. And I hope there will not be such an update. Iam playing this game like about 7 years. I will not say, why i voted ** - becouse noone will reading long post anyway.
Guthix votar

... they say there was the fifth one. Lost and forgotten. The time he will rise again, will mark his new name - 0-t the Terrifying!

10-Jan-2011 14:14:39 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 14:15:49 by 0-t

Harpy Tarys

Harpy Tarys

Posts: 34 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Free trade was a mixed blessing. It meant it was easier to help out a friend in need (for instance, getting hacked and needing gp to buy back what he/she lost), and I have helped and been helped in situations like this more than once. On the other hand, free trade made it very easy for botters to do their thing. However, the trade limit has probably prevented thousands upon thousands of scams on newer players. I think that if you added a pop-up window upon clicking 'accept trade', stating how many gp you are gaining or losing based on the current g.e. price would negate most scams, making free trade a blessing, not curse.
The wilderness was traditionally one of the more popular parts of Runescape. I think that we should keep a few of the +1 item bounty worlds, but add some worlds where the wilderness is just like it was before - you kill a guy, you get everything he was wearing and had in his inventory. Some of us don't have patience for buying and selling stock. :P
Thank you jagex, may the wilderness and free trade have a glorious homecoming.
~Rain of Sky

10-Jan-2011 14:22:30

Dec Member 2019


Posts: 183 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow. I'm surprised this thread has reached this size--almost half of the posters are the SAME people arguing about junk. I agree, runescape's player base really needs to stop arguing, and begin to trust Jagex's decisions. They ALWAYS take time to consider the effects that an update will have on their players. That is, after all, their job. They also know that they will not always be pleasing everyone in the game, and some people will always be negative about an update. So stop complaining BEFORE the update comes, and wait to see what Jagex does to fix all of your "problems", naysayers.
Get a grip, and be patient.
I for one, voted yes.

10-Jan-2011 14:38:21



Posts: 170 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally I've got mixed feelings about it. Trading stuff's gonna be a complete pain now that I'm so used to knowing the price range of most items. On the other hand I get to give stuff to my friends like I used to do. Pking's never going to be the same with updates like claws. Theres still going to be 1 itemers with claws and rushers and pj'ers.
On a side note... MsToxcixity is hawt c:

10-Jan-2011 14:38:28

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