
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 8,661 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted without doubt to get wilderness and free trade back. Personally, getting free trade back doesn't bother me THAT much that it is gone. Banning free trade did help prevent scamming and the G.E. made trading so much easier and faster. Apart from the fact that I cannot give or receive gifts of significant value, not much was lost by removing free trade. I don't oppose bringing it back though. Yes, scamming may come back, but honestly: 99% of the times it's the players own fault for getting scammed by not keeping their eyes open. The only thing that does really worry me is people getting hacked and then have their items transferred to someone else. A small solution could perhaps be if you wish to transfer a valuable item (say, over 500K?) to someone else for free you have to insert a code similar to your bankcode? (but obviously you have to choose a different combination or it wouldn't help much)
However, I definetly do miss the wilderness. I miss the excitement of pking and I also actually miss the excitement of possibly getting pked myself. That really made the game so much more intense and fun. After wildy was removed I felt that Jagex had removed the thrill of the game to introduce a "pamper" culture where players can't get involved in dangerous things anymore (because honestly, nothing in the game, not even the kalphite queen or KBD or chaos elemental, is as dangerous as facing another player in the wilderness). I hope it will come back, as an old pker, nothing would make me happier than to kick some butt or get my butt kicked again :P (yes, even getting my butt kicked and losing things would not diminish the thrill!)

10-Jan-2011 10:47:48 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 10:49:36 by [#A0F6T8POS]



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The poll has a simple "yes or no" vote for BOTH, instead of individual, which will almost certainly put bias on the results. I can imagine a lot of people want the old PvP wilderness back, as I do. But free trade should be a separate topic. After fighting so hard to get rid of free trade, is Jagex happy to just let it come back in? i think restrictions should definitely be put in place or there'll be real world item trading, cash for gold etc within hours of the update. Restrictions should be put on how much players would drop when they die in the wilderness also.
Otherwise I'm all for it. I miss the old wilderness. Bring it back.

10-Jan-2011 11:09:08

U Gotta Run

U Gotta Run

Posts: 370 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am an old school player that WILL return if the old school wild and trade is returned. I hate this controlled economy. Imagine if your government appeared out of nowhere when you were trying to sell an X-box for $50 and said "No!!! You can't do that."
Question: What is required for the vote to be passed? Yeah 91% makes me feel awfully confident, but they didn't specify.
Question: If the vote passes, when will it take effect?

10-Jan-2011 11:18:50 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 11:23:03 by U Gotta Run

U Gotta Run

U Gotta Run

Posts: 370 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Agent blood. I disagree with your opinion about free trade. What if I make a "pure" with unique combat stats? I'm not going to farm a skill or collect herbs for months just to make the character perform adequately in the wilderness.
I have MANY friends that would return to the game if it were restored. They have nothing on their account. I want to help them out a bit :-P

10-Jan-2011 11:22:25

Burn Victim

Burn Victim

Posts: 209 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted yes because I played during the period that anything other than free trade was a crazy idea. Scamming was around and so was real world trading. People were offering to trim your black, rune and adamant armour for both a price and/or asking for the component pieces of said armour. People spent large amounts of time gathering people for "drop trades" and sometimes even dropped good items and not the sort of stuff that did not gain favor of those who used their time coming there. And others still ensnared the unwary either by luring them into the wilderness and killing them or "trust trading" until they have convinced enough people they will get a glorious prize (sometimes rares) if they trust trade the most wealth. These things were a hassle, a worry and a general annoyance. But people are not cattle to be herded into an abattoir. We made mistakes and learned from them sufficiently to not do it again. Just like real life we learned to check our trade boxes carefully, not to trust blindly and to generally think before we act. Then came non free-trade. Once again we all knew nothing about anything. With the addition of the Grand Exchange the trust trades, the luring and the lies were moved on into that. Wealthy merchants convinced people to invest all of their gp and loose it on dodgy items. So you see, scamming never left.
And as for the bots... well I know they reached plague proportions but seriously we are nearing a plague right now! They have come back as the inevitable will and suddenly all these efforts made by Jagex are rendered pointless. Check out every willow tree around f2p Draynor if you want proof. So Jagex have decided on a new course of action that doesn't get rid of cons but adds enough pros to make it both relevant and great for all.
So yes, I voted yes, and so should you.

10-Jan-2011 11:25:45



Posts: 96 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I will lose a lot of respect for Jagex if they move clue scrolls out of the wilderness because of some noobs complaining that they will get pked. I've been playing since 04, and I have an account made that's almost specifically for pking people who do clue scrolls, people who use the abyss, and people trying to complete mage arena. I know I don't gain profit off of it, but I admit I have a lot of fun doing it, and if they decide to "pussify" the wilderness I'll be thinking twice about how jagex listens to players.
See, the first time I did mage arena; I remember going out to pull the lever, and in the distance I saw a white dot on the map, I looked in the distance and it was a pker about 40 levels higher than me, wearing a blue mystic robe and an ancients staff and boy, I was about to **** my ******* pants my heart started pounding so fast...I was extremely intimidated. Same with clue scrolls, THE VERY FIRST TIME I DID A LEVEL 3 SCROLL, I was digging out in the wildy and saw a white dot running towards me. Again, my heart started pounding, I logged off and switched worlds. THAT'S THE THRILL, AND THAT'S HOW IT SHALL BE KEPT. After a while, I became that intimidated white dot on the map and guess what? I LOVED IT.
CLUE SCROLLS WERE IN THE WILDERNESS BEFORE WHEN PKING WAS STILL AROUND, GET OVER IT NOOBS WHO COMPLAIN. THEY WERE DONE THEN, THEY CAN BE DONE NOW. I'm talking about level 1 to 3 clue scrolls, they are easily found on reviews over the net that most people use, and if they were moved I'd be extremely disappointed. clue scrolls have potential to have high rewards; BUT GUESS WHAT!? HIGH REWARD EQUALS A HIGH RISK.
And for idiots who suggest having a few worlds that just have..."pvp"...Just stop talking, that's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Wilderness should and WILL be in effect in ALL WORLDS REGARDLESS. THAT'S HOW IT WAS BEFORE, THAT'S HOW IT WILL BE NOW.

10-Jan-2011 12:18:48 - Last edited on 10-Jan-2011 12:33:38 by SUSTAN0N 250

Odin The God

Odin The God

Posts: 2,689 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't see why some people say to add wildy and not free trade, or vice-versa. Say you don't add free trade, but have wilderness, well that solves nothing, because all you have to do is kill someone with their money in wildy. So in all actuality, it would be a waste to just add one, and not the other... I for one, voted Yes, I want the dangerous but fun Runescape back, i remember sitting in Castlewars and Varrock West Bank, spamming Banksale. Fally W2 was CRAZY, you always found items 500k and up being sold there... Good times. :D i already have some friends that started back, thanks to this. ^_^

10-Jan-2011 12:24:12

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 164 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i think having the old wilderness will be good but sould be like pvp worlds. only select worlds will hae th old wilderness back so those who wish to explore it without fear of pkers can on other worlds. the free trade limit probably isnt as good an idea. although friends like to lend out gear which can often be expensive less experience players can get scammed easily. maybe there shud be no trade limit between people on your friends list? that cud be usefull.

10-Jan-2011 12:55:24

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