@Firedropper: JAGEX why did u upgrade the graphics, the pixelated old game was the bomb. BRING THAT BACK.
True! With the old graphics there was no lag, and now I'm lagging as hell.
x evilneon x: another thing upon the wild, what about dragons? or clan wars and those stuff? like the mage arena and other stuff. jagex, you might wanna think upon this stuff before you actually do it.
Jagex will relocate some stuff, read the referendum? -.-
By the way, now should be less bots compared to long ago, because of the create new user system, now its different, you need to put your e-mail. Jagex should only ban those that already exist.
Why all people makes all this complains abount free-trade and old wild, a long time ago there was the old wild and no one was complaining about it.
For the problem on the scammers and lures, just keep an eye on the trade and remember that free money = lure, only an idiot follow someone else to the wild for free money ...
10-Jan-2011 10:46:32